Two Turkeys

Last year was  the second time I had made  Robert and Laurel matching Thanksgiving outfits. Now,  it seems I have unwittingly established a tradition as they now are eagerly awaiting their 2009 turkey clothes. 

Using the ever popular jumper and Jon-Jon suit patterns from the book Martha’s Favorite Applique’s, by Martha Pullen, they made up quickly.

The appliqué design is from the Autumn Harvest collection, Designs by JuJu,  There is an amazing variety of designs on this site, but my favorites are always applique’.  The grass below the turkeys was added and not a part of the collection. But I don’t like poultry or any other animals just hanging free on the front of their clothes.

The garments were made from brown Imperial broadcloth and lined with an acorn print. Golden chenille rick rack was used to embellish both, though for some reason it looks washed out on Laurel’s jumper.  I must have used a flash for this photo.  Jumbo yellow buttons were doubled up with smaller orange buttons at the shoulders.

This was our first Thanksgiving away from home, having been invited for dinner at the home of our son-in-law’s mother. Harvey comes from a wonderful family and we all enjoy one another’s company. But this picture made me laugh. Keep in mind that to a person, every male in the family is heavily involved in the computer industry and loves his computer.

quality time--like father, like son, like grandson, like son-in-law

While the women bustled about in the kitchen, laughing, chattering and finishing dinner preparations, the rest of the family was content to spend time doing some male bonding.

Little Robert, 3, has his own computer at home but does not have his own lap top. So he commandeered his grandfather’s machine, leaving Granddad to work on his Iphone. I guess the fact that they are all so much alike and get along so well is just one more thing for which to be thankful.

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