Pima cotton, midweight Swiss and Liberty of London tanna lawn turn tube pillowcase. The monogram is from OESD’s Dazzle Alphabet.
It’s no secret that I love Liberty of London tanna lawn. On this pillowcase,  the combination of English pima broadcloth, a trim strip of mid-weight Swiss  batiste and the Liberty tanna lawn are simply luxurious. The silken textures almost guarantee sweet dreams and gentle slumber.
This particular piece of Liberty is very unusual. Noted in particular for the sharp registration of their prints, Liberty of London has produced this almost watercolor pattern. I really like it, but somehow it just seems odd– akin to Pizza Hut adding Chinese food to their menu. Just out of character.
The linen tea towel featured in an earlier post and this pillowcase are the projects for the Magic Hem Pillowcase class that I will be teaching in Myrtle Beach, SC. This will be the 18th annual event, named appropriately, Sewing at the Beach. After all the delays, which continue, by the way, at least this class is “in the box.” The kits are all cut and bagged up with the handouts. Extra pieces/parts, threads, demo pieces and more are all in a well marked MAGIC HEM box, the first of four such boxes to fill.Â
Bob and I are both sick with our annual winter misery–bronchitis, sore throat, etc.–and my elderly aunt continues to flounder from one health crisis to another. She has been hospitalized twice since Christmas and now I can’t even comfort her by holding her hand for fear of sharing germs. Tonight, I missed Jane’s chili and cornbread dinner for our regular PlayGroup meeting and poor Rastus, our yellow Lab, is hobbling around on three legs because of a torn ligament.  All 8 of my night-blooming jasmines recently froze to the ground and I have an overdue library book.
I can only say that it’s a good thing that I am an optimist with a sunny disposition or I might be really crabby.  You wouldn’t like me when I’m crabby, so don’t EVEN suggest that I count my blessing!#$%^!!!  I’m too busy counting bias strips!#$%&!!!! grrrrr……
Back to the sewing room to work on the Faux Heirloom Sundress class project and kits. That should put me right…….