St. Patrick’s Day outfit for Vivian Rose
I couldn’t let St.Patrick’s Day go by without a fun little outfit for 5 yo granddaughter Vivian Rose. This isn’t the traditional “wearin’ o’ the green,” but it combines her favorite color, purple, with her favorite fabric print “rainbow.” So I thought it would do.
It was given to her at Alastair’s birthday party.
Earlier, she had lamented to her mother that Alastair had a party in a few days and her birthday wouldn’t be for sooooo long (January). Rebecca replied, “But you will have fun at Alastair’s party.” Vivi boo-hooed, “but I won’t get to open the presents and they won’t be for me!” I thought this little outfit might help assuage her grief.
She doesn’t look very sad now.
I hope you all have a great St.Patricks’s Day. We’re enjoying a quiet day at home. My hard working husband was hard at work early on, then rushed in for a quick shower. Now he is parked in front of the tv, simultaneously watching baseball and March Madness. He deserves to relax. So..
And I am off to the sewing room. YEAH! I’ll be listening to some Irish classics like this.