This dress is just breathtaking. Judy Day has been working on it for more than six months–well, on and off for six months, as she dealt with other must-do’s that popped up. This is her granddaughter’s 6th birthday dress and Kennedy is just as lovely as the dress!
I’ll let Judy tell you about it.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“I made this dress for Kennedy’s birthday. She has been crazy about fish from day one. When I saw a picture of a similar dress on Martha Pullen’s weekly e-letter last year, after her event in Arlington, I just knew Kennedy would love it.
The planning took more time than the actual embroidery. I tried several different fabrics for the dress overlay. Of course, Swiss batiste would have been perfect if it did not require a lot of starch and pressing. So I decided on a sheer poly fabric for the easy care. I ordered several different ones from www.fabric.com
I knew the underdress would be Imperial broadcloth. I searched my stash and did not find a blue that would work. When an overlay is put over a color fabric, the color must be a bright, clear color or it looks muddy. I ordered 4 yds.of 4 different bue fabrics from Baltazor Fabric Boutique www.baltazor.com ….one can never have too many blues in their stash!

Baltazor’s has wonderful customer service. They only had 3 of the blues, so they picked another and then included a 5th at no charge! It was one of the fabrics they chose that was perfect. The color was clear and bright even with the overlay. The overlay gives the dress depth so that some of the fish look as if they are swimming in the distance. Continue reading →