Tag Archives: liturgical embroidery

Sewing Ho-Hum and Holy Holy

Life at our house goes on at a breakneck pace, causing me to neglect posting as regularly as I would like.  But my sewing room is a beehive of unreported activity, not all of it very interesting.

Wouldn’t you love to sew only creative, fun items?  Does anyone get to do that?   Check out an earlier ho-hum post for an interesting view of what constitutes fun sewing elsewhere, like  “baju kurung, kebaya, punjabi suit.” Just how much fun would it be to sew a punjabi suit? More fun than I had with these projects.



But duty calls and I have a running list of  ho-hum sewing which is in addition to routine mending.  These ho-hums become occasions for which my sewing machines can actually save some money.  While there is no creative satisfaction, there is the satisfaction of contributing to the family, being a helpmate to my dear husband, and  satisfaction in proving that my Brother Dream Machine is more than just an expensive toy.


Mending pool leaf filter baskets….yawn…

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Clergy Stole

What a joy it was to make this stole for our young, exceptional pastor! He has the wisdom, powerful teaching and Biblical understanding of a much older, more experienced pastor. Our church is growing in leaps and bounds with his leadership.

Sunday in the pulpit he wears a suit and tie. A traditional black robe hangs in his closet, but he said he doesn’t wear it because without a stole he looks like a judge. Hmmmm…I thought, I could make one!  How hard could it be? How long could it take?

Well, let me tell you this one was not hard but it did take a very long time. Operator error again. I made so many mistakes!

Whenever I take on a project unlike any I have made, I like to research the subject to get a comprehensive view of just what is involved. Google took me to a lot of blogs and sites for free patterns. Pinterest took me on that same route. Both have numerous free patterns, mostly labeled quick and easy. I didn’t want quick an easy. I wanted good. So I looked further. Continue reading