Tag Archives: ready to smock

Desperation Bubble

bubble front all


Have you ever been  desperate to smock and thwarted in the effort?  Desperate to stitch hand embroidery and been hampered? Desperate to sew in a power outage?  I bet the answer is yes.

It reminds me of my crazy friend Catherine who, 25 years ago, had taken her boys to the beach.  Settled down in the sand on an old quilt, under her beach umbrella, she pulled out her smocking only to discover that she had everything but a needle!  Desperate, like me, she walked up and down Daytona Beach asking each sunbather if she might have a #7 crewel needle that Catherine could borrow or buy.  That, my friends, is desperation.  To no one’s surprise but Catherine’s, she came up empty handed.

How this bubble came to be is a result of such desperation.  It didn’t turn out as planned, it didn’t turn out great,  it didn’t really please me.  But it did scratch my itch  for some form–any form!– of needlework. Continue reading

Smocked Monogram Bubble “C”


Alastair, 6 weeks old


Alastair’s monogram bubble…this is my daughter’s favorite outfit for her son.  It is a customized ready-to-smock garment,  a godsend for today’s busy grandmothers.

Made of  a cotton/poly blend, they wash and wear  beautifully.You can simply smock, remove the pleating threads and dress up your precious little one or you can personalize it to a greater degree.

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