Spring has sprung in central Florida.I’m not sewing now because this is the most glorious time of year in the most glorious place to live. I’m not sewing now because I love to be outside in the midst of blooming azaleas, dogwood, and roses with the sweet perfume of citrus blossoms in the air. And I’m not sewing now because there is just so much gardening that needs to be done!

Orchid pink azaleas border one side of the driveway from the road until it gets to the Confederate jasmine climbing a palm tree. The leafless shrub to the right is a gorgeous oakleaf hydrangea who is slow to awaken from winter. Those leaves need raking.

My sewing room looks over this bed of roses, but the view is better from outside. These bushes need fertilizer.

This is what I see from the latticed window in my sewing room. But again, seeing the bouganvillea from outside is better. That thorny climber needs to be tied up to the porch.

Another bouganvillea grows on the opposite end of the back porch and hangs down to the kitchen windows. An aggressive climber, it is trying to get into Bob’s upstairs study. It needs to be cut back.

From the back door to the wash house are beds that need weeding and more weeding. I need to take cuttings from the night blooming jasmine that is about to smother the dinner bell.

The white bleeding hearts need regular encouragement to hug the post. The silly owl that sits there is my husband’s attempt to scare the woodpeckers away from the wash house fascia board.

This antique climber, Tausendschon, blooms so profusely in the spring. But the purple queen in the bed below needs to be replanted.

The azaleas’ spectacular spring show is short lived but the bushes are not. These shrubs are at least 60 years old. They don’t need any attention right now, thank goodness.

Can you see Rusty, my FF (formerly feral) orange marmalade cat in the bottom left corner? He likes to hang out near this wild flowering plum and the tree house. The branches near the top were nipped by our last cold snap and need to be cut away.

These pink Knockout roses were just cut back and will look awful for about 3 weeks. So I’ve used this photo of grandchildren Robert and Laurel taken a few Easters ago when the roses looked good. And that reminds me……..I MUST get started on Easter outfits.
Have you started —or finished—Easter sewing? I’d love to hear about it or about your gardening projects. For those of you who are still wrestling with winter, Spring WILL come.
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