Coming Home Daygown and Bonnet

Busy, busy, busy! So this post is a re-run featuring Laurel Cade, our first grandchild and her homecoming outfit. I think the topic is still timely.~~~~~~~

my handsome son (newborn at 9 lb.1oz) and his 10 lb.daughter

my handsome son (who was a 9 lb.1oz newborn) and his 10 lb.daughter

My babies each weighed exactly 9 lbs. 1 ounce and were 22″ long. My husband said my uterus had a 9 lb. 1 oz. capacity, just like a gallon milk jug will hold just one gallon. He declared that if we had a dozen children they would all be the same size. After our second child, I chose not to test his hypothesis.

At any rate, neither of our babies wore newborn clothes for more than a few weeks.

When our dearly loved, petite daughter-in-law Shelly was pregnant with our first grandchild, the whole family thought this precious baby would be a tiny little thing, like her mama. After all, Shelly’s own mother is just 4’11” so we expected a small baby. With this in mind, I used a preemie daygown pattern for Laurel’s coming home outfit.

Imagine our shock when this “small” baby girl was born via C-section weighing an even 10 lbs! I had other regular size daygowns smocked and ready to go, so I took those to the hospital the day they were to be released. But they were all too big.

We were surprised that the preemie daygown fit her perfectly. Of course, she was only able to wear it for a short time, but I was glad that she had something that fit so well for that important trip home. Now, whenever I make a coming home daygown for a special baby, I make a preemie size.

coming home gown L

The daygown and bonnet are pale yellow Imperial batiste, smocked in shades of yellow and periwinkle blue. Entredeux and tatted edging trim the angel sleeves bishop and either side of the front. Blue floss is woven into the holes of the entredeux.

coming home bonnet L

It’s funny now to recall that Shelly specifically requested no pink for her baby daughter. Shelly is an outdoor gal with a both an abiding interest and a bachelor’s degree in environmental science. Before her children were born, she hiked and camped out and spent several years as a licensed volunteer wildlife rehabilitator. She thought there was no way that Laurel would be a girly-girl.

But each child is her own person. As feminine as a girl can be, Laurel loves gaudy jewelry and pink is her favorite color. Thank goodness for her love of pink! About 40% of my grandmother’s hope chest stash was her color of choice. Thanks to Laurel, a significant dent has been made in that pink stash.

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