My goodness but life has a way of keeping me busy and away from writing blog posts! But I have been sewing. Here us a sampling of some of my projects.
I found this heart headband slider as a freebie (for a short time only) for Valentine’s Day at Tattered Stitch. It makes up quickly and was a big hit with my granddaughter 6 yo Vivian Rose. She wore it to the family’s special Valentine breakfast and then to school.

Vivian Rose at the family’s special Valentine breakfast.
It was so quick and easy to make that I made 18 for the little girls at church. They were delighted. This is just the first batch I made.
Then Aunt Rheeta made her annual pilgrimage to Florida to escape Indiana’s bitter cold winter weather. She sewed and sewed, making 10 mug rugs. Unfortunately, I did not get pictures of all of 12, but she made a set of 4 hunting themed mug rugs for each of two of her sons, one more feminine design for her daughter and one for her house/dog sitter.
Then she made these two for Joanne and Kyle, parents of precious baby Bea. She said she has been praying for them since March so they almost feel like family. She went to our Bible study group at their home and was so pleased to meet this lovely couple and spend time with darling Beatrice. Kyle loves to hunt so one is for him and the fall print seemed to go well with Joanne’s home decor.
The basic mug rug is from Kimberbell. The CD offers a variety of holiday and seasonal designs and quilting patterns. I preferred to use my own personalized designs and select a quilting pattern from those offered. The instructions are excellent.
I’ve had this cashmere quality scarf hanging around the sewing room for sometime and it caught Rheeta’s eye. It is sooo soft. So I monogrammed it for her. She can really use it for the next 3 months of winter up there!
It’s a funny thing about Aunt Rheeta’s visits. She absolutely loves to see the azaleas in bloom. She has come in January, February and March. But whenever she comes, the azaleas have begun to bloom a few days before her arrival and are in full bloom before she leaves. I think they do it just to please her. See the header. That’s what my yard looks like when she is here.
My latest and most time consuming project is sewing Garments for Ghana. Our family doctor and his nurse wife, members of our church, took it upon themselves to go, on their own with a few friends, to Ghana on a medical mission trip last summer. They are returning this summer with more medical staff and mentioned that there is a great need for children’s clothing. So we are meeting every Thursday at our EPC River City Church to make boys shorts and girls dresses and having a fabulous time. I make the kits and it is keeping me jumping!
More about this in a future post, but here are a few pictures of our finished garments.
The dresses are cut from an excellent etsy .pdf pattern from 5berries called Cecelia. It is sized from 1-12. This is a size 5. I added the sleeve ruffle, and contrasting hem.

I loved this dress below, but when I made it up I realized that it required a serger, with just 1/4″ serged seams which served as the underarm facings. The Cecelia sleeve goes completely around the armscye, much more practical for mass production and many beginner sewists. So all the remaining dresses were cut from that pattern
The boys shorts are from a McCall’s pattern I had on hand but it only goes from 1-4. I have another etsy pattern for sizes 5-10, but that is for later.
Each each dress will have an accessory teepee bag or headband with a silk flower. Each pair of shorts size 1-2 will have a free standing dingle dangle key chain toy like the monkey and the 3-4’s will have a small pull-back race car matching the pocket. This is so much fun and fellowship with the ladies and homeschooled children who are sewing with us make this a very special time. More on this satisfying project later.
What have you all been up to? I’d love to hear from you and know if there are still any readers.
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