My AHA! moment #2, learned from a Christmas stocking last year, was a new gadget for my sewing skill toolbox. And like good tools, it was needed again this year to complete a project for the same sweet friend. Since the stockings for her family of four were “hung by the chimney with care” last Christmas Eve, the need for 3 more has arisen, one for their Elf on the Shelf “Snowflake,” one for their new dog “Jaxx” and one for visiting grandmother, “Sarah.”
This friend will be getting a Brother embroidery machine for Christmas (shhh!), but right now she knows very little about the process. So when she came to me with the 3 stockings to be embroidered, oblivious of the difficulties that they posed, all I could think was oh how I wished Santa had brought me that single head free arm Brother Persona!!!! But where there’s a will, there’s a way.

A stocking for their Elf on the Shelf? Who knew.
So….first I tackled the little red knit stocking for Snowflake, the elf. It seemed to be the easiest of the lot and I needed to warm up to the task. I was so happy to have already figured out the two-baste-frame technique from last year. Continue reading