Not exactly a Griswold house, but it was enough to please us. And there is more in the back around the pool. Bob really wanted to please the children with all the lights. Lighted reindeer are perched on the garage roof, 4 snowflakes hang in front of the breakfast porch, candles are in the windows and my sewing room on the right is lighted up like an airport runway. Should have turned that off before Bob snapped this shot.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Good friends, good times, good food, and good worship makes this time of year so special. But Christmas ’17 is over.
The lights and tree are down, all decorations are packed away and our precious family have all returned to their far away homes. It was a wonderful, joyous time, but now it’s seems very quiet in this house. Several of us were sick at various times, but that didn’t keep us from having fun.

Gotcha gang ready for the next round. The dogs insisted on being in the middle of it all and were more help in the finding than the hiding. Laurel is wearing her new Theater Geek hoodie and Vivian Rose is in her beloved leopard print tutu dress. Sigh…
We went to church, ate turkey and pie, drank gallons of eggnog and played our family’s traditional holiday games. ” Gotcha” is a favorite of all four grandchildren.
Basically, it’s just Hide and Seek in the dark, with the use of on-off head lamps. When “It” finally finds someone in the dark, he yells “Gotcha” and we all race back to the center of the yard so as not to give up a good hiding place.
Once when we reassembled, we noted Harvey’s absence. Vivi announced that he was in the house. “See, Daddy’s in the kitchen!” And sure enough, there was Harvey clearly visible through the window, probably eating a cookie. Nothing gets by that girl. Continue reading