Not exactly a Griswold house, but it was enough to please us. And there is more in the back around the pool. Bob really wanted to please the children with all the lights. Lighted reindeer are perched on the garage roof, 4 snowflakes hang in front of the breakfast porch, candles are in the windows and my sewing room on the right is lighted up like an airport runway. Should have turned that off before Bob snapped this shot.
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Good friends, good times, good food, and good worship makes this time of year so special. But Christmas ’17 is over.
The lights and tree are down, all decorations are packed away and our precious family have all returned to their far away homes. It was a wonderful, joyous time, but now it’s seems very quiet in this house. Several of us were sick at various times, but that didn’t keep us from having fun.

Gotcha gang ready for the next round. The dogs insisted on being in the middle of it all and were more help in the finding than the hiding. Laurel is wearing her new Theater Geek hoodie and Vivian Rose is in her beloved leopard print tutu dress. Sigh…
We went to church, ate turkey and pie, drank gallons of eggnog and played our family’s traditional holiday games. ” Gotcha” is a favorite of all four grandchildren.
Basically, it’s just Hide and Seek in the dark, with the use of on-off head lamps. When “It” finally finds someone in the dark, he yells “Gotcha” and we all race back to the center of the yard so as not to give up a good hiding place.
Once when we reassembled, we noted Harvey’s absence. Vivi announced that he was in the house. “See, Daddy’s in the kitchen!” And sure enough, there was Harvey clearly visible through the window, probably eating a cookie. Nothing gets by that girl.
Another favorite is The Quest, a scavenger hunt which consists simply of figuring out the hint and finding the location, with the next tip. I plan it so that there is at least one clue that only one child will get and also scatter the locations from one end of our 3 acres to the other so as to wear them out.
Here are some samples of the clues:
Once it was called The Tree House Cafe. Lunch was served there many a day. Laurel and Robert, Vivi, Alastair, too, but how in the world did the food get up to you?~~~~~~~
When he was a kid, Granddad watched the snow by the light of a street lamp outside his window. Ginger lily is planted near that lamp in a row. The next clue will tell you just where to go.~~~~~~~
Children climb up it, they climb very high. Alastair made it almost to the sky. But then he fell down right smack on his head! A concussion! Good grief! The clue there tells just where you are led.~~~~~~
The tractor, the golf cart and some tools live there.There are even a few ugly old chairs. Nearby is the clothesline with a bag full of pins.Inside you will find the last clue and win!~~~~~~~
You can search down low and high up above but you’ll find nothing better than the family you love. So come to the kitchen- let’s enjoy one another, because our family’s the best, in all kinds of weather.~~~~~~~
The Quest always ends up in the kitchen with root beer or orange Fanta floats, their favorites, or hot chocolate if it’s cold. I had written and printed out all the clues when the holiday bug struck me, so Granddad hid clues and directed the game. But no one took pictures.
I always write The Quest in rhymes (certainly not fine poetry!) but Robert was disappointed that I didn’t use a fun font this year!

Long haired Robert counts his money while bare chested Alastair grins in spite of his monopoly money poverty.
This was the year for monopoly marathon. The game was one of Alastair’s gifts and he wanted to play non-stop. One morning he came in my bedroom at 7:15 asking, “Are you ready to play monopoly, Nana?”
Laurel spent a lot of time learning to play her new ukulele, with the assistance of her cell phone and her musical father.
And Vivi twirled the day away, hugging and singing in her ever present leopard print dress.
She will celebrate her 5th birthday this weekend with a Frozen themed party. After the family had left, for party favors I have made 25 Frozen keychains. Children hang these from their backpacks or wherever they like.
There were many duplicate designs because I included none of the darling Anna designs. Vivi has no use for this character. Who knows why? So no Anna is included. Frankly, I’m a little tired of Elsa and the arctic gang and my Dream Machine and I would have welcomed a few fresh Anna designs.

There are so many Frozen designs at Brother’s iBroidery.com site. They stitch out beautifully. http://www.ibroidery.com/DesignList.aspx?CatID=14&SubCatID=326&ModelID=&SizeID=
My tutorial and details for making the keychains are posted here. In the midst all the festivities, I did manage to embroider linen communion napkins to cover the chalice and host. I’ll get pictures and tell you about that soon. I so love sewing for my church.
Then a big rush heirloom project assignment came in from Brother and I had to get that made up, written up and sent off by the new year. More late night fun!
So if you’ve wondered why I haven’t posted for such a long time, now you know. And FYI, I thank God for the z-pack that got me out of bed after 4 wasted days!
I’d love to read about your holidays and your sewing. Let me hear from you!
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