Tag Archives: Palm Sunday re-enactment

The Marketplace

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Our church’s annual Palm Sunday re-enactment of the Triumphal Entry of Jesus into the marketplace of Jerusalem seemed reason enough, I thought, for my grandchildren to be especially well dressed.


R L Kit cripple

The lame boy at the entry begged “Alms for the poor!” Since the food was provided free of charge, his free will collection helped defray some of the expense.


Laurel was to wear an heirloom dress, last year’s Easter frock.  Robert would be decked out in dress pants, a matching vest and his signature church accessory, a tie.   Quite the young clothes horse, he even insists on wearing one to the monthly pizza night.  Laurel carried her doll Kit and a handkerchief purse (scroll down the post) to carry her shekels.


heavily embroidered Swiss handkerchief

heavily embroidered Swiss handkerchief


One year ago, when the dress was finished, it turned out to be too short for the 6 year old.  So a lace flounce was added to the slip for more length.

It was no surprise that now, a year later, the dress was once again too short.  So Saturday night, after a busy day, when the grandchildren were finally bedded down, I dug out the two cards of lace edging and insertion.  Two more rows of lace were added to the slip. Continue reading