Pyramid Bag for Jr. Archeologist

pyramid bag with miniature sphinx embroidery

pyramid bag with miniature sphinx embroidery

Grandson Robert, 5, declares that he wants to be an archeologist when he grows up.  Due to that interest, he absolutely loves the Playmobil pyramid he got for Christmas.  His mother, however, has bemoaned the fact that it has more pieces/parts than the Eiffel Tower.  Each panel can be removed to reveal hidden chambers, staircases, trap doors,  tombs, servants, and more.


How well I remember helping Robert’s father, our son Ryan, search the house for the many pieces to his Fisher-Price farm and two story garage.  With that memory and the ease of making a standard teepee bag, I stitched this up in a hurry for my precious grandson.  So this bag, made from the basic teepee bag pattern,  now holds the sarcophagus and treasures of his pyramid.

Actually, I had made ponchos for Laurel and her doll and needed something for Robert.  It was late when I finished the ponchos and I wanted to shut down my sewing room and go to bed.  But Nana duty called. I needed to make something in a hurry for Robert, so the bag came to mind at once. Of course, it’s pyramid shape seemed especially appropriate for my sweet Robert.


So after spending way too much time searching for Egyptian-themed designs that would work on this bag, I finally went to one of my favorite sites, Embroidery Library  and for $1 bought the perfect pyramid design for the bag.  While I was there, I discovered that I already owned the tiny sphinx in a miniature collection that I bought for another purpose.  I love that site.


Embroidery Library is one of the best sources for embroidery designs.  I have no vested interest in  this site, but use and recommend it frequently.  Their search engine is excellent, unlike some which, even after typing in the name of the collection, returns with no search results.

I would like to have made it a little more elaborate, with embroidery on each side and decorative stitching along the zipper.  But I have finally realized that not every project requires the planning and details of an heirloom.  And Robert would have been no more pleased. I do wish I had sprung for the larger sphinx.

The greater satisfaction of a more elaborate project would have been mine and Robert needed the bag sooner than I needed satisfaction.  No doubt he will soon find satisfaction in the sandbox, as our curious junior archeologist digs for bones and other relics.

Sometimes, sewing something serviceable, even ho-hum, is better than nothing.  Especially when the recipient is 5 years old.

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