Using Vintage Hankies

UPDATE: Take a look at the fabulous quilt Lynn made for her mother. She left this comment: I also love vintage hankies. My mother had several that had been gifts from friends and penpals when she was young. She gave then to me and I regifted some of them back to her in a quilt. I used some designs from Embroidery Library and sent them a few photos of the completed project. They put them up on the website and hhere’s the link.

Estate hanky 2M

I love pretty handkerchiefs. I love the exquisite needlework, the elaborate designs, and the options they offer for re-purposing. They can be used in so many ways–vintage handkerchiefs are like money in the bank. But you don’t have to break the bank to get them. Each of these cost $1!

Estate hanky 1emb 1madap

Of course, there is the original purpose for these beauties. Aside from the one set aside for my own personal use, I find it is handy to always have a clean one in my purse for others.

Estate hanky P white

The bottom hanky has shadow embroidery in each corner. These are perfectly white, but raising the resolution to show detail has colored the shadows yellow.

My friend Terri Click abhors a hankie and is always equipped with a generous supply of tissue. But many people are unprepared for the first sneeze of a new cold or an especially touching sermon. Note to self: use less-than-favorites for giveaways.

The label says "Made in Switzerland." The other was in an unopened envelope.

The label says “Made in Switzerland.” The other was in an unopened envelope.

My supply is regularly replenished at estate sales or the antique shop I just visited. Every handkerchief shown in this blog was $1.How’s that for a deal?

hanky linen colors

This batch of colored linen was an especially happy find. For Madeira applique’ this very fine linen is perfect. I have no qualms about cutting into unembellished linen. And what a great assortment of 10″ squares. It appears that these have never been used, as several still had the label identifying them as 100% linen.The pink one with a row of hemstitching is the only odd one.

4 crochet new

These with crochet edges are ideal for the hanky purses I make my granddaughter, Laurel. She has allergy problems and really needs to have a handkerchief nearby at all times. I’ve started making a purse to match her church dresses and loading it with another hanky and her offering.

hanky purse 3

These are also great starts for doll clothes. Recently there was a pattern on-line for a pinafore made from a handkerchief.

hankies crocheted lime

Colored or plaid fabric always catches my eye.

Estate hanky 3 plaidA

The $.69 price tag on this beautifully hand embroidered, hand hemstitched, lavender hanky proved that this is very old.

hanky price

Pink plaid with sweet embroidery is so charming. Do I like it especially because the design is crooked, just like the one I embroidered on Laurel’s collar?

Do I feel vindicated that even hand embroiderers get it wrong?

hankie pinkplaid

White hankies are always classic and usually present fine needlework. They make really sweet collars for yoke dresses. I spotted this interesting adult version of the handkerchief collar.

It's likely that the gray crocheted edge hanky was dedicated to funeral use

It’s likely that the gray crocheted edge hanky was dedicated to funeral use

You might have noticed that Janice Ferguson Sews  is waaaaay overdue for a new post. I could wail “How Busy Am I!” but suffice it to say that with surprise out-of-town guests and trying to finish up the spa wraps for my granddaughter’s birthday party, I’ve been tied up.

While our guests were here, I was lucky enough to find some of these hankies when we visited a local antique shop. I hope you have enjoyed seeing them.

This post is linked up to Faded Charm’s White Wednesday Linky Party. There are some lovely things posted there.

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