I love to see babies in pretty booties. It’s true that the generic, elasticized, pull-on socks are very serviceable and sometimes stay on tiny feet better than the classic style. Still, it is a visual treat to see a wee babe wearing pretty booties, even boys. To me, such footwear seems to say, “This baby is special.”
Vivian Rose is wearing a pair in an earlier post. The three pairs in the above photo were made by Mela Wilson and purchased at Farmhouse Fabrics long ago.
For my own newborns, I knitted about a dozen pair for each and enjoyed every stitch. Several years ago, a young mother confided to me that she and her friends had agreed that a baby can never have too many bibs, booties or burp cloths. And that’s because they get lost or ruined.
Booties come in a variety of sizes, which is good because so do babies. These silken beauties were too small for both Laurel Cade (10 lbs.) and Vivian Rose (8 lbs. 7 oz.) at birth. But they are so lovely and soft.
Many of my hand knit booties were lost through the years, so when I knew grandmotherhood was just months away, I purchased several pair of the hand knit and crochet beauties in the baby shops of Old San Juan. I was too busy sewing to knit.
The ribbons will be replaced on many of these.
These ecru booties were a happy find. They go well with the Liberty smocked daygown.
It was interesting that these booties came with no button for closure. The MOP shank buttons were added when I got them home.
Handmade booties can incorporate any form of needlework. These feature shadow embroidered angels.

Mela Wilson booties feature shadow embroidered angels. For body and extra warmth, this batiste pair also has a thin layer of batting between the lining and the bootie top.
These are all in Vivian Rose’s wardrobe now.
If I ever have a free moment, I would enjoy making a pair of pretty booties.  Have you made any? Did you knit, crochet, tatt, smock, or use an in-the-hoop machine embroidered design? Please tell us about it.
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