Git ‘er done #1—simple, everyday onesie with machine embroidered lambs from Ultimate Baby Layette collection by Martha Pullen.
Though many of us would prefer to spend all of our sewing hours stitching heirloom christening gowns, lacy Easter dresses and smocked bishops, there are many less exciting projects that demand our time–and I’m not talking about cooking or cleaning. My “git ‘er done” list has gotten so long that I had to get a few out the door.
DEFINITION for readers living outside of US South: It’s southern dialect for “Get her (‘er) done” — an imperative statement expressing a desire to start a job or complete an unfinished task.
Many objects and actions have a feminine persona (like when a farmer refers to his truck as a she, or when a captain of a ship calls his vessel a she). In the same way, a task may be given a feminine context. In the southern American English dialect, something can be “gotten done.” Hence, “Git’r done.”
The $10 pink onesie shown above was a fabulous bargains I picked up for $1.74 at a recent Martha Pullen Company sale. The knit is butter soft, worthy of the quality construction and the front overlay which protects tender baby skin from the embroidery stitches  When our glorious Florida spring blows in next month, this will be a comfy little play outfit for granddaughter Vivian Rose.    I’ve checked this one one off my list.
For Alastair and Vivian Rose’s nursery school fundraising auction, I’ve made two cot sheets which will be personalized after purchase. The fabric was all from my stash. This sheet is made of left over denim from the grandchildren’s bedroom here at Nana’s house and a charming Michael Miller print that I was reluctant to cut up.
But what was I saving it for? It was purchased years ago when I was teaching in Philadelphia and I have always loved it, as well as the other Michael Miller vintage style fabrics I bought at the same time. So I cut. Directions for the sheet are included in this post.
This is the girlie cot sheet for the auction. Again, it’s all stash fabric, notably the left over cherry print from Vivian Rose’s Sweet Baby Jane bubble. The pink is a nice quality pink twill, almost as heavy as denim, but soft.
I had put these sheets off for so long that in order to meet the deadline I rushed to get them in the mail before the 2:00 pick up. Obviously, my pinned on “your child’s name” squares are not square at all. Oh well.
Eighteen of these pencil toppers were made as a little reward for the children’s choir at church after their latest choral presentation at worship. The Choristers who are in my Sunday School class were so excited about the happy face pencil toppers I had made for them, so I thought this would please them. Now they are working on handbells so I have to come up with something before they ring their bells for the congregation.
My last Git ‘er done project was to have 8 yo Peter, one of my Sunday School students, come for another session of machine embroidery. I had hoped to have pictures of him sitting at an embroidery machine, stitching pencil toppers. But he is internet shy so I have no photos of this little dynamo. He is fascinated by the technology of these advanced machines. He even had to have a go at the serger as well.
As he was selecting designs and thread colors for his embroidery, it was apparent that he is a fella who knows his mind and preferences.Peter selected a realistic sail fish from Brother’s Mini Collection, card #20.
I suggested blue felt as a base. He chose tan. Then for the sail fish design, shown on the computer screen in all its blue and white glory, Peter chose to make his fish lime and hunter green, with a yellow belly and outlined in neon orange. I thought I’d never find a use for that spool of thread, which came in an assortment purchase. But it spoke to Peter. Don’t you love the way sewing allows a child to express himself?
The little reward for the handbell performance in two weeks is still on my Git ‘er done list, along with tablecloths for Alastair’s birthday party next week end. But first I’m going make something fun—
a short sleeved Children’s Corner Ruthie top cut from the sweet floral lawn under the pink onesie in the first photo.
What are you all sewing? Fun or Git ‘er done?
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