NOTE: This post was first named “My Dishtowel Rant.” Reader Shirley wisely suggested that a better name would be Dishtowel Rave. I agree, Shirley! Thanks for your comment.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.
• Ben Carson
Ben, that’s just one reason for my happiness. But it’s true that for any occasion– large, small or no occasion at all– I love giving gifts. But it can be tricky.
Too large or too expensive a gift like this jewel encrusted package or a trip to Paris for lunch would make a friend feel beholden and I don’t want that. (Let me be perfectly clear, I would not give a trip to Paris for lunch.Or a jewel encrusted package. So don’t ask.)
Too small a gift, like a coat hanger, is just tacky. Getting it just right takes some thought.
The design is OESD/ Embroidery On-line’s Happy Birthday Frog. My design library includes the Bernina collection Fanciful Frogs. I have used those designs here and again and again.
Dishtowels are my go-to “little” gift. They can be personalized with machine embroidery (do you think my sorority sister Danilee ever got one of those bicycle license name plates or wall plaques?) A novelty fabric turn tube hem or hand embroidery embellishment makes a towel special.

Yo-yo flowers with button centers, rick rack and a turn tube hem transform a plain white dishtowel to something more interesting.Should I offer this design and project for free?
This towel was a project I taught at Sewing at the Beach, Myrtle Beach. Would you like this design to be offered as a freebie?
Dishtowels are always the right size, the right price and even if the color is wrong they still dry the dishes.
The leaf spray is from Autumn Wreaths, Kreations by Kara. I added the pumpkin from some other set.
They make a perfect hostess gift.
These designs are from Dakota Collectibles Shell Collection.
In groups they make a substantial birthday gift.
This set was done by Tracy Burkart of Needleart Studio. The seem to be unavailable now.
A recipe towel paired with a jar of jam was just the right size for each of my treasured PGM friends at our Christmas gift exchange.

I haven’t canned in years, but these jams from the Mast Store had more down-home appeal than Smuckers.
The recipe designs are from Embroidery Library. They come as simple redwork. I added the fruit.
The design is from Dakota Collectibles Christmas Applique collection.
When a very dear but far away friend was experiencing some serious difficulties, these towels offered daily inspiration and a reminder that I cared.
Designs are from Amazing Designs Inspirational Concepts.
A dishtowel can give a very personal message for little more than the cost of a greeting card. It lasts longer and is useful.

The embroidery is a compilation of elements from various designs. The house, tree, and “road” were combined with text to express a heartfelt message.
For another group gift exchange, Christmas dishtowels filled the bill.

The Christmas tree design is from Kreations by Kara, Christmas in Motion collection. “All is calm, all is bright” is in Amazing Designs Christmas IV collection which seems to be discontinued.
Well, there are more dishtowels, but I seem to have beat this horse to death. I get all wrapped up in remembering the occasion and the recipients. Can you tell I love dishtowel gifts?
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