Meet Me at the Fair!

Having just arrived at her first fair, granddaughter Vivian Rose was awestruck.

Having just arrived at her first fair, granddaughter Vivian Rose was awestruck.

Midweek our daughter called to ask if we would like to have  3 yo granddaughter Vivian Rose for the weekend.  OF COURSE!!!!   Her brother and daddy would be camping with the Cub Scouts and her mama planned a visit with her college roommate.

When I realized that the county fair was in progress, I was even more excited.  I LOVE the fair.  This would be an incredible experience for all three of us–Nana, Granddad and Vivi.

When she arrived Friday afternoon,  we looked on-line at fair pictures.  She was intrigued and couldn’t wait.

After our little bundle of energy was bedded down late Friday night, I started on her fair outfit.  It was a HUGE hit for this gal with very strong fashion opinions.




Her  “rainbow leggings”  were recently purchased just because I thought she would like them. At the time,  I wasn’t sure just what I would make to go with them.  When the fair visit was scheduled, I knew they would perfectly compliment the CC Lucy I had envisioned.


That is always my go-to-in-a-hurry pattern–quick, versatile, and comfortable.



Excuse the wrinkles but I had to wrestle the outfit off her little body to take a picture.


The Lucy top was finished Saturday afternoon while she napped before we left for the big event.  The size 4 was shortened by 3 1/2″ to make a top rather than a dress.  That was to make it easier for her to climb in and out of the rides.  I think just 2 1/2″ would have been plenty.

The blue twill, pink gingham lining, pink whipstitch piping, and jumbo buttons were all in my stash, along with the Meet me at the Fair design from Embroidery Library.




I’m not a fan of fluorescent colors but ended up with several spools in a lot of thread I bought. The grandchildren love to take one off the thread rack, flash it in front of my face and hear me wail “Ouch!!!”  They call the fluorescents ouch colors.  Who knew I would need them?  They coordinated nicely with the rainbow leggings.

As we were walking from the parking lot to the fair entrance, the giant ferris wheel was clearly in view.  When asked if she would like to ride that, she puffed out her little chest and boldly declared, “Yes!  I’m not afraid of anything!”

The first ride we came to was a kiddie flying Dumbo.  She looked up at me and asked if I would ride with her “because I’m just a little bit afraid.”  After that she was truly fearless, riding everything from that huge ferris wheel to the classic carousel, usually with her Nana, of course.


Her first fair, her first carousel ride and her first kettle corn. She ate most of the bag! But hey, my job is to delight, not to feed her vegetables.

Her first fair, her first carousel ride and her first kettle corn. She ate most of the bag! But hey, my job is to delight, not to feed her vegetables.


Vivian loved everything about the fair.




She loved the majestic llama and bristly baby pigs at the petting zoo, the bunnies and fancy chickens in the livestock barn and every feature of the fair.  From her  wonder at the lights and the excitement of the race car and tea cup rides,  it was clear that all of the fair action fed her delight.

We loved  every minute of our two days with her. We picked tangerines in the back yard,  took golf cart rides, played with dolls, fed the cats 5 times a day, gave the dogs a treat every hour and enjoyed the fashion show she put on for us.


She has learned to wink.

Aren’t grandchildren grand?

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