Having just arrived at her first fair, granddaughter Vivian Rose was awestruck.
Midweek our daughter called to ask if we would like to have 3 yo granddaughter Vivian Rose for the weekend. OF COURSE!!!!  Her brother and daddy would be camping with the Cub Scouts and her mama planned a visit with her college roommate.
When I realized that the county fair was in progress, I was even more excited. I LOVE the fair. This would be an incredible experience for all three of us–Nana, Granddad and Vivi.
When she arrived Friday afternoon, we looked on-line at fair pictures. She was intrigued and couldn’t wait.
After our little bundle of energy was bedded down late Friday night, I started on her fair outfit. It was a HUGE hit for this gal with very strong fashion opinions.
Her “rainbow leggings” were recently purchased just because I thought she would like them. At the time, I wasn’t sure just what I would make to go with them. When the fair visit was scheduled, I knew they would perfectly compliment the CC Lucy I had envisioned. Continue reading