Vivian Rose is home with her family and I am here helping, but mostly enjoying this precious baby. Of course, she is beautiful and strong, and we are pretty sure she can talk and read. She just chooses not to.
This polycotton daygown, which was intended as an everyday, utility frock, was promoted to Coming Home Outfit because the other garments– of  Swiss batiste, Swiss flannel, dotted Swiss stripe, and Liberty were much too large. Even this newborn-3 month size enveloped her like a gunny sack. Frankly, I think the yellow Old Fashioned Baby gown would have been the best fit. But yellow is not a good color for a baby with significant jaundice.
We were very surprised at her size. At 8 lb. 7 oz. she is our smallest newborn grandchild, with the other 3 ranging from 9 lbs. 5 oz. to 10 lbs. My own babies were both 9 lbs. 1 oz. so we expected a bigger bundle of joy. She was barely 8 lbs. when she came home, 2 days old. Consequently, she seems tiny to us. I never dreamed the garments I made her would be too big.
This is a Ready-to-Smock bishop from Martha Pullen Company. Sometime ago, I sold most of those I had on hand, deciding that I really need to make up my own using the miles of lovely fabric yardage in my stash. Somehow, two were overlooked in the nursery dresser. With all the hustle-bustle preparations for her birth, I was happy to have these time savers available.
Of course I wanted to personalize it with some embellishments. The easy care broadcloth gown is embellished with Victorian edging purchased at Martha’a recent ULTIMATE sale. I was pleased with the quality of this domestic trim. Green embroidery floss is woven through the rather large entredeux holes.
As usual, there are things I would like to have done differently. Because this was intended as an everyday dress, I did not remove the little shirttail hem on the sleeves. The edging was just butted against it and zig zagged in place. I really regret that.
With the added width of edging, the ruffle is quite wide for a tiny newborn wrist. But as she gets a little bigger, it will be fine.
The utility buttons were replaced with mother-of-pearl and secured with DMC thread the same color as the floss flowerettes and French knots, #353.
Because the label could be irritating, it has been cut away, though some fibers remain.
So Vivian Rose came home in an everyday, easy care smocked daygown with no matching bonnet or blanket. Nonetheless, she arrived home safely, with no perceptible damage to her confidence or self concept–probably due to the absence of paparazzi.

She is homeward bound wrapped in the spectacular hand knit blanket made by her paternal grandmother, Carol, “Oma.” The yarn feels like silk.
Soon she was fast asleep in her frolicking lamb bassinette.
Three year old Alastair is spending these first few days being showered with love and attention with his Oma, Auntie Jeannette and Uncle Doug, Here on her homefront, it has been such a joy for me to be with Baby and to witness the loving, patient devotion of her parents.
Thank you for your kind words of welcome and congratulations. Check back for updates on Vivian Rose’s new clothes and her progress with Latin and long division.
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