I hope you all had a joyful Easter. We had a beautiful weekend-long celebration with a houseful of laughing adult children and grandchildren. Our daughter, Rebecca, her family and our son Ryan’s family were here. He is a pilot and, sadly, was unable join us. We’re happy that he loves his work, but we miss him at so many family gatherings.
Friday night, while taking a break from my sewing, I made more than 100 little raisin bread/cream cheese/jelly sandwiches for Saturday’s Bunny Lunch at church. My dear, helpful husband sat with me and cut away the crusts from 5 loaves while I spread the filling. The sandwiches were topped with cream cheese carrots sprinkled with a little orange sugar which pleased the children.

Tie design from is Linnie Pinnie, with single bunny extracted from Bernina’s Warm Wishes from Ingrid collection.
Grandson Robert was tied up with a football game so he missed the lunch. The three grandchildren were all dressed in specially made casual Easter clothes and gathered eggs in their personalized Easter baskets.  Five year old Alastair wore the carrot tie shirt made during my pre-Easter sewing frenzy.

Vivian Rose’s straps were too long. (Photo compliments of Don Tutt, church photographer.)Â Â Her cut lip is the result of todling at break-neck speed and falling face down onto the porch floor.
Vivian Rose’s Liberty trimmed bunny dress (Children’s Corner Callie) was perfectly themed to the occasion, though the straps were much too long, even after being shortened by 2″. She fits some 18 months and some 2’s. I should have made the 18 month size for a better fit.
Laurel Cade wore her monogrammed End of Summer dress which was too big for her at the end of last summer. A few small tucks will be taken in the skirt to shorten it, but otherwise now it’s a perfect fit. I guess we should rename it Beginning of Summer dress.
All weekend, motherly Laurel spent almost every moment doting on and trailing behind our 15 month old whirling dervish, Vivian Rose. Laurel prevented her from transferring the dog chow to the water dish, from tumbling down the stairs, from playing in the toilet (she can open the lid), from falling in the pool and from rushing into my dangerously delightful sewing room.  Maybe she just has a hankering to sew. Whatever. She was not allowed in there and Laurel kept her out.
Alastair, 5, and Robert Charles, 8, climbed trees, ran wild outside, played in the tree house, and slid down the banister again and again, laughing and squealingall the while–beautiful music to the ears of these grandparents.
And that was just Saturday. Easter Sunday was just as joyful.  More on that in the next post. I’m still purring happily with my memories.
I’d love to hear about your Easter.