Tag Archives: pin stitch tutorial

Pin Stitch~~ Part II


In the previous post, Pin Stitch…What’s it all about? basic information was given about fabric, needle, thread, foot and fabric preparation. There was more, because pin stitch is one of my favorite techniques. And my writing style can be summarized as why-say-in-a-sentence-what-could-be-said-in-a-paragraph? But I bet you already knew that.

This is part II with how-to details and applications for this classic stitch. I hope it is more useful than boring.

NITTY GRITTY HOW TO–After reading all this background and materials preparation info, you are probably wondering  HOW DO YOU DO IT???? Finally, we get down to it.


Lace edging is pin stitched to the sleeve of a shadow smocked dress, as detailed a few posts ago.

Pin stitch is almost always connecting one thing to another, like lace to fabric on the sleeve to this shadow smocked dress or the angel blanket above. Continue reading