Tag Archives: free embroidery design

Bunny Dress for Bunny Lunch

bunny callie CR

One more Easter outfit finished.  This is for Vivian Rose to wear to the Bunny Lunch/Easter Egg Hunt at church on Saturday.

The pattern is Children’s Corner Callie, made from some anonymous pink fabric from my stash and trimmed with this sweet vintage Liberty bunny print.  It has been aging in my stash for so long that these playful rabbits are elderly by now.

More details later.  I still have Easter sewing to finish.  Tick  tock tick tock…..


Sew Kindness–free design


for you--design from Fil Tire' and Fancywork Frames and Phrases, shown on a greeting card

for you–design from Fil Tire’ and Fancywork Frames and Phrases, shown on a greeting card


For some time now, I have been awed by the inherent kindness and generosity of stitchers.  There might be one bad apple in a basket, but the rest of the needleworker bushel is all sweet Honeygold.  The “Sisterhood of the Needle” spreads goodness indiscriminately to friends, loved ones and strangers.


I bet YOU are a good apple, a sweet Honeygold.

I bet YOU are a good apple, a sweet Honeygold.


Lately, examples of this goodness keep popping up in front of me.  Let me tell you about a few…… Continue reading

Free ME Baby Design

UPDATE: I’ve just edited the design to fit the 4×4 hoop. Please indicate in your request if  you would like 4×4,  5×7 or  both.

Baby Pillow


It’s been so hectic here these last few days that I haven’t had a minute to write up a post.  We had two of our grandchildren, Robert, 6, and Laurel, 7, for two days of homeschool, county fair projects.

The culmination of those two days was a family gathering for Saturday’s football game.  We enjoyed every minute of our time together, except for the Gator loss to LSU.  Just into the second quarter of the game fiasco,  my DIL received this text message from a friend, “I don’t know what is more painful, watching this game or having my wisdom teeth extracted without Novocaine.”

Usually, Louisiana gal pal Linda McGehee calls during the game to congratulate or gloat, offer predictions and give  Jack’s read on the game.  This time, she was sensitive enough to just send a consolation e-mail, though her “Geaux Tigers” message title was less than sympathetic.   But today we have moved on and I’m ready to blog about sewing.

I  love stitching baby things, just like everyone.  The idea of a precious new life, a sweet new member of the family, often inspires us to get out needle and thread.  Whether we pick up a handsewing or machine needle, the urge to create something special for an innocent babe drives us to sew.


design scan

design scan

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