“I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted what I asked of Him.” 1 Samuel 1:27
After earlier disappointments, people around the world prayed for this baby during the difficult pregnancy. God hears all prayers and answered with the safe delivery of this precious baby into the arms of his loving family.
So here are the details of the renewed heirloom gown Baby Shrek wore for his baptism. ~~~~~~

photo taken between rain and wind gusts from tropical storm Hermine.
It’s been so long since my last post that faithful readers probably think I have dropped off the face of the earth. A more accurate explanation of my absence is that I’ve been buried deep in my sewing room. Sooooo much has been going on, the highlight being the completion of this gown for Baby Shrek and spending some time with him. Details of a weekend with 4 rabid embroidery enthusiasts, ages 3.5-9, nearly a week of sewing with our two older grandchildren before they moved to New Jersey, and more will be posted later.

Little Shrek on my dining room table. His adoring grandmother is captured in the mirror wearing a white blouse.
First let me answer a the question many have asked about why he is called Baby Shrek. His parents very graciously gave me permission to use any photos of him, but asked that I not use his name. So the hasty endearment from his maternal grandmother, “beautiful Baby Shrek,” is used in place of his very lengthy, good Christian name.
These pictures are not great, but he had passed up his noon nursing due to the distraction of my two dogs and his watchful, attentive fan club. Then when he was dressed for the photos, he was good-natured, but very actively squirmed and flapped his little arms as he pleaded for his dinner.

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