Category Archives: Kids Sew

Junior Entrepreneur

custom orders ready for delivery—monograms and “Homeschool Rocks”

After learning about economics and business in her homeschool curriculum, my 8 year-old granddaughter Laurel has gone into business for herself.

There was considerable discussion with her mother and me about the commitment and responsibilities this would entail, but she was undaunted.   She designed, printed and distributed a flyer at her Girl Scout meeting and then at a homeschool function. Continue reading

Free Pattern for Must-Try Teepee Bags

1st aid bagsX

You can’t tell from the photo, but the fabric shows a variety of Girl Scout badges. I was tickled pink (ha!) to find this fabric on-line.

These FIRST AID bags were made for my 8 yo granddaughter Laurel. Next week, she will do a presentation to her Girl Scout troop as part of the first aid badge the girls are working on. At that time, she will hand out the bags and the girls will stock them with supplies.

UPDATE: Girl Scouts with bags:

girl scouts

You can’t tell from the photo, but the pink fabric is printed with images of Girl Scout badges. I had only 1/2 yd. which should have been enough. But there was a wide, brown border with text and numbers to be sewn on for troop identification. That didn’t leave enough badge print to make 6 suitably sized totes. So the pink fabric was serged on the short sides and then centered and zig zagged onto a piece of a homespun sort of muslin.

After I got that done, I realized that the muslin created a plain strip on either side of the zipper, suitable for text.The border hoop for my Brother Quattro made this quick and easy, by hooping just stabilizer, basting the fabric to the stabilizer with the baste feature, embroidering the text, then moving the stabilizer in the hoop for the next bag.

The design is too large for the 4 x 4 hoop, yet by using the 5 x 7 there would have been so much waste of stabilizer–not to mention the time involved in hooping 6 times.The border hoop was a wonderful time saver. Continue reading

Kisses and Hugs Kid Quilt

Another county fair has come to a close.  The ferris wheel, flying elephants and merry-go-rounds have been broken down, loaded up and driven out of town.

All three grandchildren rode the rides, checked out the exhibits, ate the junk food and saw the ribbons on Robert and Laurel’s entries.

7 year-old Robert very sweetly humored 3 year-old Alastair by joining him on the flying elephant.

Big winners were Robert’s blue ribbon chocolate chip pumpkin bread and Laurel’s Best in Class Kisses and Hugs quilt.  While they learned new skills and had fun, I savored each minute of quality Nana-time as they prepared entries. They were so proud of their accomplishments.

Robert’s hocky game, Santa pillowcase, stuffed in-the-hoop dinosaur, football tote and Gator tie tee shirt–Laure’s Girl Scout tote bag and monogrammed handkerchief

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Granddaughter’s Sewing Camp


Kennedy is proudly wearing the sundress she made at her grandmother's ("Mimi" Judy Day) sewing camp.

Kennedy is proudly wearing the sundress she made at her grandmother’s (“Mimi” Judy Day) sewing camp.

Mimi’s Sewing Camp at Judy Day’s house has been a whirlwind of activity.  Before the arrival of 8 year old Kennedy, Judy prepared a variety of projects.  Then they sewed and laughed and had a great time together.

Kennedy, who has sewn with her grandmother before,  stitched some fabulous things.  This sundress was an ambitious undertaking–and didn’t she do a great job?!?   Don’t you love her fabric choices?

See how cute the back is? Continue reading

Almost Ruined Wedding

This post is only marginally sewing related (skip down for Sewing Related) but it is too funny not to share.  Of course, at the time, it didn’t seem quite so hilarious.

Rheeta Jordan


It’s about the wedding of my Aunt Rheeta’s delightful, sweet granddaughter Jordan who was married two weeks ago.


Jeff Jordan crop


She has always worked tirelessly with her father, my cousin Jeff, who is pastor of Freedom Worship Center in Omaha. This spring she graduated from University of Nebraska.

The wedding was held at a lovely botanical garden, with all the natural beauty and wildlife of the area.  This pictures shows Jordan with her dearest friends and cousins.


bridal party pics


Moments later, about 50 feet from the group, the photographer spotted this bridesmaid wannabe, dressed in matching black and white!

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Sewing at Nana Camp

We’re having a big time with granddaughter Laurel, 8, who is here for the week.  While brother Robert is at basketball day camp, she is here at sleepover Nana Camp, where there’s a lot going on.

This is Laurel’s new sewing area.  She has finished more than half of the 9-patch blocks and 4 oval yo-yo’s.  The blue painter’s tape helps her maintain the required 1/4″ seam allowance.

A new sewing station has been set up for her in my sewing room.  From here, where my cutting table, iron and all my equipment is located, to the dining room where she has sewn before, it’s a  three day trip.   Her new spot is much more convenient. This is a permanent set up so she won’t have to put her sewing away at dinner time.

The antique sewing table where her little Brother machine is perched was a birthday present from my dear husband several years ago.  See the “yard stick” printed on the table top? Continue reading

Brrrrr….Let’s Knit

Scarf, hat and small square knitted by 7 year-old Laurel. Hand knit sweater machine embroidered by Nana. Jeans purchased on eBay.

Just after Thanksgiving, we drove to Asheville, NC, on business with our son and his family.  We planned to head to our cabin as soon as we finished.  But instead, we found ourselves stuck in Asheville for two extra days, due to bad weather.  Not only was the weather abysmal  in Asheville, but also in the High Country area, which was under a severe weather advisory.  With snow and ice, it would have been foolish to drive up the steep mountain roads.

So we passed time at the hotel while granddaughter Laurel, 7, took up knitting needles to make some things for her doll Molly.   Six year-old grandson Robert spent the time relaxing with a book or watching football. Continue reading


1-Winners L dress

Does this child look excited or WHAT? Seven year old Laurel was thrilled beyond words when  she saw her polka dot A-line jumper had earned a Best in Show award in the junior sewing category.   The matching teepee bag is part of her “ensemble.” The matching, lined teepee bag is on the hanger with the ribbons.




In September, after she had finished on a rainy day in North Carolina, she proudly checked it off her fair entry list. Continue reading

Mountain Autumn with Grandchildren

Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.
— Mary H. Waldrip

Laurel hikes the roads of Seven Devils Mountain.

We brought 6 and 7 year-old grandchildren, Robert and Laurel, to our cabin in the mountains of western North Carolina for some quality time, a taste of fall and the cool weather.  It has rained all day every day with only occasional breaks in the weather.  But that hasn’t stopped us from savoring every minute of our time here.  Frankly, with all the sunshine we get in Florida, these misty, rainy days are a rare treat.

The 12 hour trip from Florida was time well spent on what DIL Shelly calls “carschooling.”  Both Robert and Laurel finished a whole lesson from the Calvert curriculum they use–how’s that for using time wisely!  Shelly is one well-organized mama.

Shelly  “carschools” Laurel and Molly.

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Update: Jumper Fair Entry

back cover of book, Applique Martha’s Favorites

A request has been made to see a picture of the pattern Laurel is using for her jumper.  The scan of the back cover clearly shows that this is a simple A-line dress with buttons at the shoulders.

Because it is completely lined, there are no facings or hem to turn up.  It is an ideal starter project.

What concentration!  She almost bit her tongue off.

The book’s availability and prices make me laugh.  From Amazon new copies of the above book start at $79.95.  At Amazon  used books start at $23.99.  Brand new from Martha Pullen Company—$14.00.

  It seems that Amazon shopperss would be wise to do a little more market research.