Tag Archives: Madeira applique

Fil Tire’ and Fancywork

fil tire’ oval surrounded by pinwheel roses and greenery ~~situated above serpentine entredeux woven with threads used for leaves…5.12″ x 7.9″

The Fil Tire’ and Fancywork machine embroidery collections created by Suzanne Sawko and me have been mentioned in several posts.

There are three sets, Elements, Combinations and Frames and Phrases. The stitched samples make the post very image intensive, so each collection will be posted separately. They will appear in succession,as quickly as I can scan sew outs and write the descriptions.

A few of the free designs offered here have been from one of the three sets.I am sorry this is more tedious than the one click purchase option on other upscale sites. This is more like yard sale bargain prices, changing inventory, and limited quantities. You might be surprised at some of the unique items I have in my stash/hoard/collection!

These designs are from the Fil Tire’ and Fancywork Combinations Collection.The cost is $25 if delivered electronically or $30 + postage if delivered on a cd.

3.85" x 2.07"
3.85″ x 2.07″ Another useful design for monograms is this design
called monogram swag.The flowers look very much like hand embroidery.

For sale: Fil Tire’ and Fancywork Combinations machine embroidery collection. $25 downloaded or $30 + postage on CD. Designs require hoop sizes from 4 x 4 to 6 x 10″. This is the second of three Fil Tire’ and Fancywork collections.

6.63″ x 2.02″ ~~very sweet on a baby blanket with a monogram or name above the swag.

See a Swiss flannel blanket with this design.

NOTE: These sew-outs were stitched to card stock and kept in a notebook. This caused  the puckers in the fabric.The designs stitch out perfectly flat.

3.94″ x 3.94″~~nice under monograms or names

This collection was designed and digitized by my close friend Suzanne Sawko and edited by me.

6.75" x 1.92" Baby pillowcases are so pretty with this design.
6.75″ x 1.92″ Baby pillowcases are so pretty with this design.

Suzanne is an innovative digitizer with a great sense of design.

2.68″ x 2.69″~~~fil tire’ basket

See this design on a tabletopper.

She was the first to digitize fil tire’ and, in my opinion, no one has ever duplicated the crisp, light, hand stitched look of her machine embroidered version of this classic hand stitching technique.

2.59" x 0.63"~~I've used this on either side of a button front yoked daygown.
2.59″ x 0.63″~~I’ve used this on either side of a button front yoked daygown.

There are 3 collections, Elements, Combinations and Frames and Phrases. Elements has individual designs that can be combined as you choose. Many of those “elements” are included in the Combinations designs. The other two collections will be offered and displayed in another post.

3.94″ x 3.94″~~Replicated from a 1930’s boudoir pillow.

There are also designs that look very much like hand embroidery. Some were copies from antique embroideries, like this one which was featured on a ’30’s boudoir pillow. There is a single coordinating  flower in the collection.

When she first told me many years ago that she was digitzing fil tire’, I might have been skeptical had I not known her. Suzanne had already digitized so many hand look stitches like chain stitch for redwork, machine embroidered French knots, lazy daisy, pinwheel rose and more that I expected she would do it and do it well.

1.69″ x 1.34″

See this design on a little quilt, “If apples were pears….”

There are 35 different designs, but 54 design files. Many identical designs are offered in two versions, like the two below. The first features web roses (shown unfinished–see the 5 legged cross at the very center of the fil tire’ and along the sides) which need some hand work, explained in the information file.

8.54" x 5.54" This would be pretty on a round collar or yoke. It requires some handwork on the web roses shown as stars.
8.54″ x 5.54″ This would be pretty on a round collar or yoke.The collection includes another version of this design which includes web roses, requiring some handwork.

Other design are offered with slight variations, such as a row of entredeux with three pinwheel roses at right. It can be stitched vertically with what might be ribbons or, if stitched in green, tendrils. This same entredeux design with pinwheel roses is also offered horizontally.

1.2″ x 0.48″ The dainty, wide V design is sweet on collars or as brackets around a tiny monogram. See this design on zig zag bonnet.

3.26" x 1.55"
3.26″ x 1.55″ If rotated, the corner below also works for a monogram or name. It was also used on the sides of a Swiss flannel baby shawl. A handkerchief corner is another place for this small design.

3.94 x 3.94″ As is, it looks sweet on a handkerchief corner or on either side of a yoke. This design was used on a set of child’s tea party linens.

3.94″ x 3.94″ I use this little floral spray frequently on baby blankets, to break up a line of feather stitching around the perimeter.

.54″ x 6.9″ floral serpentine This can be stitched continuously with a border hoop. One of my favorites in this collection is the floral serpentine. It can be connected to a continuous line around a skirt or down a blouse front.

1.56″ x 1.33″ fil tire’ oval See this on a doll dress bodice.For those of you patient enough to read through all this and still eager to sample a design, please leave your request as a comment. I will e-mail the fil tire’ oval, one of the most frequently used designs in the collection, to you.

Madeira Applique’ Tutorial

Joanne Banko hosted me on her live YouTube show December 9 for a fun and informative tutorial on Madeira applique’. This is one of my favorite heirloom techniques.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'fet with Joanne Banko go sew! Time for Tea & Tutorials! LIVE show Friday December 9th, 2pm Eastern Standard Time Learn Madeira the art of Appliquel With sewing, embroidery, & embroidery, heirloom Ferguson expert, Janice www.lanioefersasorsews.com Join us! Sip some tea and learn some new sewing tips and tricks! xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx'
You can watch the replay here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G7Dw119fJJg&t=455s

Joanne is a dear friend of mine, who was described by another sweet friend who has never met her in person as “a genuinely warm, nice person.”

Her Friday live “Tea and Tutorials” are always a treat with various guests. Each show offers a unique sewing talent and special technique. Tune in to Joanne’s YouTube channel for entertaining and fun learning.

Getting back to Madeira applique, the video shows many of my finished projects that feature this technique and then goes on to show how-to step by step. Here are some of the projects shown, but the real meat of the video is the instructional story boards.

This little baby pillowcase was not shown, as there were time constraints. But I love this project.

I would rather have used a softer blue for the Madeira hem but for tv, I knew a darker color would show up better. The fil tire’ hearts and the swag are designs by extremely talented designer and my good friend Suanne Sawko.

This pillowcase is another project that was not included in the video. It was a birthday gift for my daughter a few years ago.

Details are included in this earlier bloghttp://www.janicefergusonsews.com/blog/2009/10/05/madeira-monogram-pillowcases/

Madeira mono green

This little bishop dress was included in the video.

It shows a traditional Madeira hem as well as a Madeira treatment on the sleeve. The sleeve didn’t show up very well on the video as with that Ipad camera I am as clumsy as a gorilla with a tatting shuttle. So prease be forgiving. Here is a close up.

No description available.

That tiny rosebud at the peak of the Madeira is a free download here. It is so very useful. Just ask for it in the comment section and it will be sent to your email.

It’s time to get back to Christmas preparations. It love this joyous season. The house and tree are almost decorated (I know it’s late but I’ve been crazy busy), the staircase is lovely and my favorite holiday ornament is hanging on the front door wreath. It is an antique sleigh bell I purchased at the church bazaar 50 years ago.

With a houseful of family arriving from New Jersey, Nebraska and Lakeland, Florida, it will be a chaotic, wonderful time of love and laughter. Above all, it will be a time of celebration of the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. More on Christmas sewing later. Happy last minute holiday stitching to you!

Penny for Vivi

Penny by Petite Poche (Wendy Schoen), size 3, is ready to be shipped to granddaughter Vivian.

Penny by Petite Poche (Wendy Schoen), size 3, is ready to be shipped to granddaughter Vivian.

This little summer dress is finally finished. It’s progress was interrupted by a variety of issues, all outside the sewing room, but now Penny has been removed from my UFO list.

bodice back

I have always loved this pattern and finally got around to making it.

nNBst-CloKs-pdtFX-WSPennyI always favor projects with Madeira applique’ and to my eye the best feature is the bodice back. But I doubt I could convince 3 yo granddaughter Vivian Rose to walk backwards to show it to best advantage. Then again, she is usually on the run, so I guess the front and back have equal opportunity to be viewed. Continue reading

Seaside Madeira Table Linens


Making these table linens was a nice break from sewing for my granddaughters. Fine white linen is paired with lime green and embroidered with a fun blue fish. This color combination reminds me of the beach, just 30 miles away.

Sitting on the screened breakfast porch, looking out over our front yard with this table setting made me just as happy that I was not roasting on Daytona Beach and scanning the waterfront for sharks. It’s very peaceful on my porch. I enjoy pulling out dishes and napkins that coordinate with the setting.

Linen is one of my favorite fabrics and Madeira applique’ is one of my favorite sewing techniques. Add pinstitching and embroidery–well, just let me tell you I was having a big time! I never once missed lace or a girlie angle. If there is any interest, I would be happy to put up a Madeira applique tutorial. Let me know if you would find that helpful. Continue reading

First Birthday Dress~Finished

UPDATE: And look at it now.

Viv "eating"Aunt Peggy's chocolate pudding. Surely a some got in her mouth.

Viv “eating”Aunt Peggy’s chocolate pudding. Surely some got in her mouth.

first birthday dress for Minnie fan

first birthday dress for Minnie fan

Our precious granddaughter Vivian Rose recently celebrated her first birthday with family and friends at a party in her own back yard.

Cousins Laurel and Alastair

Cousins Laurel and Alastair

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Sweet Baby Duds

The scallops and embroidery are a very soft pastel yellow, not nearly like the bright color that shows up on my monitor.

The scallops and embroidery are a very soft pastel yellow, not nearly like the bright color that shows up on my monitor.

I’m approaching the panic mode as my new granddaughter concludes her cozy stay in utero. So few items have been sewn for her! A few smocked daygowns (Liberty of London, striped Swiss dot), a smocked white pique diaper shirt, a Swiss flannel slip, the ho-hum bassinette sheets, and the bassinette skirt.

On my cutting table sits a tall, tottering stack of fabric and patterns which I expected by now would have been stitched into an even taller stack of sweet baby garments.

back w pants

So now, with less than a month to go, I have launched Plan B. rather than begin the elaborate beauties I long to stitch. This plan consists of making ruffled diaper covers to match the precious embroidered diaper shirts I bought in Puerto Rico. On one of my teaching trips to San Juan, almost 9 years ago, these shirts were purchased a few months before the arrival of my first granddaughter, Laurel. Continue reading

Easter Dresses by Judy Day


Judy is as skilled at gardening as she is at sewing. Just look at this spring scene in her back yard!


Judy Day has continued her tradition of gorgeous Easter dresses and hairbows for both of her granddaughters and their dolls.  These are very different from the heirloom confections she has always made.   But as we all know, as little girls grow a little older, they like contemporary garments. 

Here is Judy’s tale of how  these dresses came about.

This idea for this year’s Easter dresses for my DGDs actually started last summer when I was asked to make a store sample for B Sew Inn (BabyLock dealer)in Springfield, MO.  I fell in love with the dress from the picture on the front of the book, “Rosie and Me“  by Michelle Griffith.


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Blossom Basket Blouse

blossom basket blouse


I hope 2012 is off to a good start for all of you.  For us, the new year was kicked off in the midst of chaos rather than the cozy family gathering we had planned for our Christmas #2 celebration.

First our pilot son was called away for a last minute flight to Denver. Then after the bonfire and s’mores, the grandchildren’s plans for a loud welcome to the new year were foiled by 6 year-old Robert’s battle with croup and Laurel’s virus.

Finally, after unsuccessfully trying to soothe his cough with the cold air humidifier, my son-in-law and I left at 2 a.m. and drove 40 minutes each way to Robert’s home to retrieve his croup medicine.   The remaining adults tended to Robert and Laurel. Being on the roads at that time was a little worrisome, but we arrived home safely.

The best part of the new year was that our daughter and her family were here for a whole week.  However, this left me not a free moment as 2 year-old Alastair claimed my undivided attention. I loved every minute of it, but there was no time for blog writing, sewing or picture taking. Consequently…

For Faded Charm’s  White Wednesday, this is a rerun of an earlier post. I hope you find a tidbit or two that interest you.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Continue reading

Madeira Applique’ Hem Pillowcases


A pair of these pillowcases were stitched for my daughter’s birthday, which is this week. She loves pretty linens and monograms, just like her mother, so this pair of pillow slips should please her.

The “C” monogram is from Martha Pullen’s  2002 Embroidery Club  collection.  I chose this style  because of its angular lines, a nice contrast to all the swirls of the embroidery below.  Years ago, I attended a quilting workshop at which the instructor casually threw out this tip.  She mentioned that when piecing with geometric shapes, she likes to quilt with curves.  Conversely, she thought that curved pieces look best with rectolinear quilting.  I’ve never regretted following her advice for quilts and frequently have applied it to embroidery designs. Continue reading

Re-Run: Alastair’s Little Lamb Daygown


Things have been incredibly hectic around here for these past few days. My few free hours have been spent working on this blog, enlarging the pictures and trying to insert a custom photo at the top of each page. Apparently, WordPress gremlins are foiling my efforts because sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

I have a pit bull personality. Long after determination and perseverance becomes nothing more than beating my head against the wall, I bang on. But after many of my own wasted hours trying to insert the custom header, then fruitless consultation with my computer scientist daughter (#1 Tech Support), I’ve stepped away from the issue. #2 Tech Support, my computer genius son-in-law, was not even approached as he is up to his USB port designing complicated stuff beyond my ken.

So now that I’ve put it aside, I’ve moved on to getting a “store” up. I’m doing this on my own, without above mentioned tech support, so it will be fairly primitive. But it should work. My original purpose for this blog was to have an outlet for my excessive sewing chit chat and to sell some of my excessive sewing supplies.

As of today, I have written 414 posts. See what I mean about excessive chit chat?!? Surely NO ONE has read all or even most of these. So while I continue to scan, photograph, describe and price store inventory, some of the earliest posts will be re-run.  This is a stroll down memory lane for me. It’s probably a walk down a new path for you.

So here it is—Alastair’s Little Lamb Daygown………… Continue reading